The DOMINO Project has elaborated Practical Guidelines on Dual Education that accumulate the experience developed under the project, as well as other pilot projects in the field of dual education and training in the country.
For the first time, the Guidelines were presented at the Second National Conference “Dual education – a road to opportunities” in Sofia on 12 July.
The Guidelines aim to assist the various institutions, schools and companies in organizing and assuring the quality of dual vocational education and training. The document reflects the regulatory changes from the end of 2018 that stemmed from the broad public support.
The Guidelines address the aspects of dual education related to the formal school dual vocational education. They provide guidance for the creation of conditions for sustainable cooperation between schools and businesses for the purpose of providing quality practical training of students in real working environment and placing the student at the very center of the educational process.
In Bulgaria, the system of dual education began to be applied as of 2015 through pilot projects. The most comprehensive and systematically significant of these projects is the project “Swiss Support for the Introduction of Dual Track Principles in the Bulgarian Education System” (DOMINO Project), which is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Ministry of Economy.