Dual Education for the Modern Requirements and Needs of Society

DOMINO at the Regional Panorama of Vocational Education and Career Guidance in Stara Zagora

27 April, 2017 Domino news-en, News

The DOMINO Project had presentations at the Regional Panorama of Vocational Education and Career Guidance in Stara Zagora, which took place on 26 and 27 April. The focus of this fourth edition of the Panorama was the pilot introduction of dual ducation in the reioion.

Stara Zagora has a leading role in the introduction process of dual education in the country. 196 students of total 425 students of DOMINO in the whole country are from the Stara Zagora region”, said Petya Evtimova, project team leader at the opening of the Panorama. “I hope that the the presentations about the  opportunities of the  dual system of education will be a new and good investment in the future of the children”, said Ivanka Sotirova, Deputy Mayor of Stara Zagora.



21 schools, four colleges and representatives of employers in the region participated in the forum. For the first year leading companies willing to cooperate in vocational education  took part in the discussions.

Organizers of the Panorama of Vocational Education are Municipality of Stara Zagora and the Regional Inspectorate of Education – Stara  Zagora in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Employers’ Club – Stara Zagora.