Dual Education for the Modern Requirements and Needs of Society

Closure of DOMINO project

30 November, 2022

The ‘Swiss support for the introduction of the dual-track principles in the Bulgarian vocational education system’ (DOMINO) project, financed under the Swiss Enlargement contribution to Bulgaria, was concluded in November 2019. The project managed to achieve significant results with 93 graduates of Dual VET high schools. Currently, 70% of those students are being employed by the companies while the rest continue their studies on university level. The sustainability of the DOMINO project was ensured by partnering VET schools enrolling additional dual-track students following the model introduced by the project. Thus, indirectly, the overall number of students involved in dual training in VET schools participating in the project reached 2 415 (466 in 2018/2019 and 815 in 2019-2020).

Future ‘Mainstreaming dual vocational education and training (DVET) in Bulgaria’ programme is planned as a continuation under the second Swiss contribution to Bulgaria (2022 – 2029).